Tuesday 20 September 2011


The BBC is one of the biggest public service broadcasters in the world. It is a public service broadcaster it was established by royal charter and is funded by UK household licence fees. It was the world’s first national broadcasting organisation founded on 18th October 1922. The BBC uses the money to provide services including 8 national TV channels, 10 national radio stations, 40 local radio stations and an extensive website for the public. The annual cost of a colour TV licence is £145.50 and £45 for a black and white TV licence.
History of BBC
In 1922 BBC is formed where John Reith was first general manager. Its first outside broadcast was in 1923 and first issue of radio times was published in 1924 it had its first relay to America then in 1927 the BBC was established by the royal charter. In 1932 the construction of broadcasting house began, the first purpose built broadcasting centre in the UK and then in 1936 the worlds first ever TV service was launched. In 1946 the first television for children began and in 1949 was the first TV weather forecast. In 1950 they did the first television broadcast from the air then in 1955 the first TV soap launched ‘The grove family’ and in 1958 the world’s longest running children’s programme ‘Blue Peter’ begins. In 1960 the construction of the Television centre began, the first ever purpose built TV centre in the world. In 1963 Doctor Who began the longest ever running sci-fi show and then in 1967 Radio 1 began and BBC launches colour TV in the UK. In 1974 CEEFAX service started then in 1985 Eastenders began to become the BBC’S most watched programme ever. In 1994 the first national lottery draw began and in 1997 was the launch of news 24 then in 1998 BBC choice begins the first BBC digital TV channel. In 2005 Doctor Who was re-launched and then in 2007 BBC iplayer was launched.

How the licence fee is spent
Licence fee
I think the licence fee is fair because the money is being used to provide new programmes and TV shows for the public, providing people with jobs and opportunities to be creative with the use of the money however I also think it is unfair as some people may only want to watch a few TV shows yet you have to pay just to even watch telly.

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